A hopeful, (sometimes) humorous take on the traumas of infertility and pregnancy loss.

The Fear of Getting What You Want


Fear of success.

Of all the things there are to be afraid of, you’d think that’d be near the bottom, alongside a big payday or a hug from your mother.

After all, that’s what we’re striving for, right?

I was fortunate enough to play golf today with my father and some of his friends.

And I noticed that whenever I was in a position to make an important putt or help my team win a (very small) bet, a sense of timidity set in.

In my mind, whether I was aware of it or not, I had established a bar for how well I was capable of playing.

And the thought of clearing that bar terrified me.

So inevitably, I didn’t.

It’s not always the threat of failure or the fear of falling flat on your face that keeps you chained to your comfort zone.

There are also times when you don’t have the nerve to step out into the spotlight and achieve what you’ve always wanted to achieve — and deal with all that comes with it.

Sadly, this morning was one of those times for me. Instead of pushing myself to new heights, I sustained the status quo, playing it safe in the anonymity of the dark.

And I’m a few bucks lighter in the wallet for it.


This article originally appeared on 100 Naked Words.