A hopeful, (sometimes) humorous take on the traumas of infertility and pregnancy loss.

30 Days of Joy: Friday Night Fun

Man sitting on his couch with his laptop

Note: This article is the next step in my challenge to find joy in something — anything — every day for 30 days. Today’s entry is part 15.

Friday nights are tough.

It’s supposed to be a night to go out, to be social, to stay up past your bedtime.

Unfortunately, your body doesn’t know this, because it didn’t get to sleep past its weekday wake-up time.

Thankfully, as I type this, I’m looking forward to my perfect Friday night:

  • Hanging out with my wife.
  • In a t-shirt and gym shorts.
  • Sitting on the couch, staring at our TV.
  • Watching a recording of the British Open golf tournament.
  • Eating an unhealthy meal.

Although tonight, we’re eating Chipotle, so let’s hope it’s not too unhealthy.

Fingers crossed.


This originally appeared on 100 Naked Words.